Thursday, November 13, 2014


Hello valued readers!
Apologies for the delay between entries. We here at The Great Change have been taking action towards our ultimate goals and have a lot of experiences and insight to share with you all in upcoming entries and other surprises.
Enjoy the piece below!
Moral Compass
Each day I awaken from a mental vacation. In hopes that the world I left last night has not been forsaken.
My main concern is that everything I love might have taken a downward turn. Or that today might be my last day on earth, never to return.
So with each day I am overjoyed to dwell. But with so much injustices in the world, I am tempted to rebel.
So many are starving, the number is truly alarming. Or that few people in the world are knowledgeable about farming.
But what makes me uneasy is that three times as many people are dying from obesity than malnutrition. Poverty stricken world and I just paid $22,350 strictly for my tuition.
Am I dreaming? Is this life lucid? Like really, where is the love? Did they assassinate Cupid?
The world has ridden itself of greater injustices. Let us focus on content that has substance. No one should die from the lack of something that this world obviously has an abundance.
I feel trapped in a world where the leaders and elite have no moral compass. More empty homes than homeless. But the media doesn't want you to know this. A Kardashian scandal is more important.
So many are living in a bubble. Not knowing that most of the world is in trouble.

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