No human being can accurately judge another human's life, because no other human truly knows another human's strife.
I don't care if you're a student, or the Pope, or a killer with a knife, because every human has the ability to reason, no matter what the season.
So if you had lived through every single moment of their time on earth and endured their every joy and every hurt.
You'd see that every decision they made had a valid reason for them, and was an attempt to maintain their self worth.
Who am I to say that I wouldn't have made the same decision at the end of the day?
Everyone's life is a mystery to me, a world I'll never know, so I love every human, no matter what their record shows.
I urge you to do the same and separate yourself from society's labelling game and just look at the human and you'll see you're the same.
One of my favorites. Thank you for sharing nephew, keep it up. Love you!