Saturday, July 5, 2014


Contrast brings clarity. It's clear to see. For instance, the main people who appreciate something probably have experienced life when that commodity was a scarcity. Without contrast where would we be? Still in the dark? Or light? Which ever came first.. without contrast plants won't even grow from the earth.

Contrast brings clarity. It's clear to see. The greater the contrast, the greater the clarity. When I realized that this concept was true, life revealed its transparencies.

I used to see life as this big complexity. Until I saw my great grandmother pass and life took her away from me. Yet, she seemed to see life clearer after she began chemotherapy. How could this be?

Contrast brings clarity. It's clear to see. It gives life its heavenly melody. Read my words carefully and you'll live your life merrily. I'm trying to give you the recipe, for a life full of prosperity.

When something happens to you, its not a good thing or a bad thing.. it's just a thing.

You see? This is a concept taught to me, by my professor, Dr. Key.

So enjoy the dark times that are thrown in your life. Because you won't appreciate anything without a little darkness and light.

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