Sunday, July 6, 2014


The Great Change is a movement on an intellectual level. Living on the cutting edge of time, yet repeating the same mistakes of the past instead of learning from them is getting humanity no where. We need to be a well informed public and not just know what the "news" tells you. But what is actually happening on the planet we all inhabit. I'm concerned why more people are not outraged at the fact that world hunger is still a factor. We could feed every person on this rock we call Earth, if enough people actually cared. For the cost of the Iraq War we could've ended world hunger for 30 years. The public doesn't understand their true power. The government works FOR US. So if we all say something needs to change it is their duty to make it happen. We have to step outside of our individual lives and fix the things that can enhance everyone in the future's experience. When all humans do not have to worry about whether they are going to starve to death or not, all humans can put their focus on something else that will be beneficial to humanity. Such as getting an education!

My point is that we have to move as a well-informed and united public if we are going to make anything happen. Its our own fault that many political motivations are selfish rather than diplomatic on behalf of our country and mankind, because we see allowing these people to be elected instead of hitting the polls and voting for whoever you think the best guy in the election is, rather than just going with the flow. The government is broken because we aren't using it correctly. We just have to inform people to act on injustices they see. Be the change you want to see. BE THE GREAT CHANGE.

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